15.10 – 04.11.2023
Luca Trevisani
in collaboration with Pinksummer
Of the cut is a series of knives in the shape of the animals we eat and cut, built to establish a correspondence between shape, materials, uses and senses.
An archipelago of sharp shapes, objects but also subjects, which take on the spiritual management of the relationship of force between our stomach and the world, sublimating themselves into contradictory and provocative talismans. The different typologies of life forms, like ghosts to undermine our passive and automatic relationship with the idea of food, diet and matter. The morphology of the living being as a picklock in which to embody a whole series of tensions and relationships that too often remain silent and invisible, to investigate the Western perception of the world, moving its center of gravity, from the eyes to other parts of the mind.

15.12 – 17.12.2023
Thyself Agency
in collaboration with Pinksummer
Thyself Agency opens its first INFO POINT in Genoa, guest of Pinksummer at the CampoXS space. Thyself Agency is a travel agency. Organize expeditions into the unknown, where you can practice maieutics through three specific exercises: exchanging life, the 9-day week, the glasses
His INFO POINT is an office for experimenting with existential practices – Luca De Leva proposes new research methods, personal and intimate exercises to undermine behavioral automatisms and facilitate the search for other ways of living and relating to the world.

15.12 – 17.12.2023
VICTIMARY: lies, fossils and butterflies
Nuvola Ravera
in collaboration with Carlo Antonelli, Caterina Roncati, Giovanni Zuffi, Aurora Grillo and the students of the Accademia Ligustica
The former Campo XS butcher's shop becomes a laboratory for traces of trauma and wrongdoing in a grotesque reworking, where through a series of 'incendiary acts' questions are posed about individual and collective responsibility in the normalisation of violence, inciting awareness of the words and actions that shape our social interactions.

26.09 – 29.09.2024
Isabella Nardon and Jacopo Noera
curated by Mixta
Miscellanea is a series of community-specific interventions divided into three different processes: collection, transition, composition.
Miscellanea is a landscape photograph. The inhabitants involved will give us a small part of their reality to allow us to rework it and return it in a new form. An exchange system that starts from the gift of a personal object as an element of identity determination to become part of a collective puzzle.

03.10 – 01.12.2024
La tana
Maurizio Segato
La Tana è un progetto che nasce dalla lettura di “Der Bau” di Franz Kafka, racconto incompleto in cui il protagonista, (talvolta animale talvolta umano) descrive la costruzione della sua abitazione, nella fatica di progettare un disorientante sistema sotterraneo con la costante paura che intensità estranee o terzi contaminino, minaccino la sua vita ma ancor più la sua tana.

12.12.2024 – 23.02.2025
From Mouth to Ear, Body to Body, Hand to Hand
Rebeca Pak
a cura di Livia Milani
From Mouth to Ear, Body to Body, Hand to Hand, mostra personale di Rebeca Pak a cura di Livia Milani, nasce da una ricerca artistico-curatoriale sul concetto di «esotico» come stereotipo non solo delle diverse identità culturali, ma anche dei corpi e delle loro raffigurazioni, soprattutto femminili.
L’artista considera gli agrumi un elemento cardine che incorpora storie e simbologie stratificate: sono rappresentazione figurata degli scambi commerciali del periodo coloniale e, allo stesso tempo, sono anche allegoria occidentale del «fascino dell’altrove» che trova nell’erotizzazione del corpo femminile un potente strumento di immaginazione, stereotipizzazione, e narrazione.